
投稿 埼玉人権教の総会での交流

 さる65日に、アイヌ・ラマット実行委員会が呼びかけて「先住民族アイヌからのメッセージPART2」に参加のために上京された旭川アイヌ協議会のみなさんと、埼玉県人権教育研究協議会また多文化共生に取り組む大久保(新宿)のみなさんとの交流会が行われました。1日に2か所という強行軍でしたが、素晴らしい交流がもてました。埼玉県人権教育研究協議会の石川 享助さん(事務局長)から感想が投稿されましたので掲載します。(大久保での交流会は後日掲載します)






人種差別撤廃委員会に政府の不当な対応を報告 Reporting to CERD on the Japanese government's unreasonable treament







The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) is holding its 77th session between August 2nd and 27th.

On March 16th, 2010,in Section C (Concerns and recommendations) of CERD's concluding observations, Item 20 shows CERD’s concerns about “the insufficient representation of Ainu people in consultation fora and in the Advisory Panel of Eminent Persons” and “the limited progress so far towards implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”.

We, too, have strong concerns about the attitude of the Japanese government pointed out in CERD’s observations However, the Japanese government (Ainu General Affairs Office of the Cabinet) declines our offers to participate in charanke (dialogue) and even refused to receive our petition. With persistence we were able to physically hand the petition (16,702 individual signatures and 605 organizational sponsors as of June 7th, 2010) over to a member of the Ainu General Affairs Office. This attitude of the Japanese government shows that it has decided to look the other way when it comes to the March 16th recommendations made by CERD.

We understand that Japan is not listed as the State to be considered in the 77th session. However, we submitted the letter to report on the the attitude of Japanese government and ask for CERD's further support on July 28th, 2010.

The struggle to restore the rights of the indigenous Ainu is not just an issue between the Japanese government and the Ainu people, but is related to the entire world as our success would illuminate the achievement of universal human rights and justice legislation and open the world up to a future where all peoples have equal, humanistic, trusting relationships. Considering the Japanese government’s position as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, its attitude of denial cannot be permitted to continue.

Click here to see our request letter to CERD.