
Petition for the Restoration of the Rights of the Indigenous Ainu People

Add your name to the petition by filling in the form below.

To read the entire petition text in English, click here. English translation of the petition follows the Japanese below.




1.私達は、近代天皇制国家が先住民族アイヌの生得の権利である土地・資源・領域を一方的に奪い、植民地化・同化政策を行った歴史的責任を認め、「先住民 族の権利に関する国際連合宣言」(2007年採択)に明記された先住権・自決権の権利回復を行うことを求めます。

2、上記1に合意の上、日本政府がすべてのアイヌ民族(団体)の代表者と対等・平等な立場でチャランケ(話し合い)を行い、アイヌ政策の見直しを行うこと を求めます。

(2)団体署名・個人署名は下記の宛先にお送りください。またFAX・e-mailでも趣旨に賛同の旨を記し団体名(代表者名)、個人名、住所を書いて 送っていただければ可能です。

We would also like to urge the Japanese government to engage in charanke (dialogue) on equal footing with representatives from all Ainu organizations and conduct a review of Ainu policies. By receiving your signature on this petition, we sincerely hope that in solidarity with you, we can encourage the government to move in the right direction. This petition does not only seek to rectify the injustices of the Japanese government but to transform the ideas of Japanese people and the ideas within Japanese society about human rights, democracy and sense of history. It is paramount that we create a future where we can have an equal and trusting relationship with all of our neighbors, including indigenous peoples. We sincerely ask for your cooperation.

1.We urge you to recognize the historical responsibility of the modern Japanese Imperial state in forcibly robbing the Ainu’s inherent rights to land, resources and territory, and to implement the restoration of indigenous rights and self- determination rights as stipulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (adopted in 2007).

2. Upon agreement of the statement above, we urge you to engage in charanke (dialogue) on equal footing with representatives from all Ainu organizations and conduct a review of Ainu policies.